and to change slides. 2 for comments.

CSS: from Knowledgable to Ninja

◈ Estelle Weyl


Course Outline

  1. Selectors
  2. Specificity
  3. Generated Content
  4. Media Queries
  5. Debugging
  6. Colors & Transparency
  7. Fonts / Typography

Part 2: Specificity

Understanding Specificity

  • ID
  • Class
  • Element
  • 1-0-0
  • 0-1-0
  • 0-0-1


Specificity: The less than obvious

The * selector, or global selector, has no value.

* {} 0-0-0 

Combinators, like ~, >, and + have no value

ul li {} 0-0-2
ul > li {} 0-0-2

:not has no value, but parameter does

.myClass:not(p) {} 0-1-1

Specificity is not inheritance

Part 3: Generated Content

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